And maybe captured an orb? Plus, human design readings and tennis lessons for you!
Thanks, everyone for reading along! I have a couple live shows this week and would love to see you there! Details at the bottom of the issue. :) Let’s dive in!
*That’s a reference to a song by Jet. IYKYK.
This weekend, my friend Ellie and I made dinner plans. But we also made pre-dinner plans, and those plans were to get our auras photographed. You know, like a normal Friday night.
We booked sessions at Sacred Light, (if you’re in LA, it’s in Los Feliz!) and showed up. Me, running late because I decided to take the trash out before I left. Ellie, with her precious dog, Leo, who has a Napoleon complex but in an adorable way.
I’d been wanting to get my aura photographed for a while now. One, because I wanted to be able to fact check anyone in Topanga Canyon who tells me I have “something interesting going on in my field.” And two, because I think it’s just pretty cool.
Most simply, your aura is the vibe or energy you give off. My aura is why some 12-year-old kid told me at the pool that I seemed “like an important person.” I’m not joking, that really happened. I was in college, just lying on a chair at our neighborhood pool, and this kid who reminded me of Cory, Raven’s little brother in That’s So Raven, sat in the recliner next to me and told me that. Incredibly random, but I guess that means he could see my aura. I wonder where he is now…
By photographing the aura, or energy surrounding a person, you can tell more about their journey, persona, and well-being. Your aura can also shift and change overtime. Like you know, if you change your name, flee the country, and start a new life. Or just get a new job, idk.
A commonly referenced, modern camera used to photograph an aura is the AuraCam 6000, which was developed by a guy named Guy Coggins, who, as this thorough Artsy article quips, “has a background in electrical engineering and a LinkedIn endorsement for chakra balancing.” Sounds like husband material.
The shortest way of explaining this is that there are two metal plates that you put your hands on separately, and these plates connect into the camera which first takes your photo and then captures your aura, using the energy emanating from your hands. (This is the type of camera my aura was captured with!)
The photo is then printed on an instant film, a la Polaroid, so you can take your aura home and hang it on the fridge immediately.
You can do more googling and such about aura photography — there’s a lot out there! But that’s the nutshell. You might be tired of me mentioning goop, but the leadership team there had their auras captured a while back and they all surprisingly (or not) had similar auras. What was most surprising to me was that there were no phallic shapes dancing like sugar plums above their heads.
Ok, fine! Here it is:
I honestly wasn’t expecting my aura to be these colors, but after reading the meanings from some websites and the little card that came with the photo, they all makes sense and seem pretty accurate to me!
Here’s what some of the colors mean in my aura:
Red: courage, willpower, leadership, passion
Orange: creative, confident, independent, perceptive
Yellow: joyful, open-minded, optimistic, generous
Green: growth-oriented, ambitious, focused, determined
Any darkness indicates low energy, depletion, or burnout which you can see a bit on the top right of the frame. I’m kind of sad about this, but I have been a bit burnt out lately from life’s happenings. And again, your aura can change over time!
The side of the photo that the colors are on also have meaning. The right side of the photo (left side of body) is more internal energy and energy you’re calling in and cultivating. The left side of the photo (right side of the body) is more external energy, so the energy you’re putting out, and the vibe you give off. If you’re familiar with this concept, it’s like how the left side of the body represents your more receptive energy (sometimes referred to as feminine / yin) and your right side is your more active side (sometimes referred to as masculine energy / yang). Everything above your head is your consciousness and state of mind.
This website has some great explanations of the different colors and interpretations!
Oh, yeah I also have a white orb on my right shoulder. My research shows that having a white orb on that shoulder or side of the frame can be a spirit guide. Honestly, makes sense. I do kind of feel like I have a little angel on my shoulder sometimes. Protecting me….telling me it’s ok to buy a little treat…stuff like that.
I’m also trying to figure out what the little swoosh of yellow/green/blue is on my abdomen. I think if you have light show up on your body (commonly on your throat or heart) that area is being activated right now. I don’t know what area a diagonal swipe across my abdomen is…but I’m looking into it. Something with my sacral and solar plexus chakras that’s more outwardly expressed? A energetic look at my high-fiber diet? Operators are standing by.
…was really different from mine! Here it is, for comparison:
Ellie is just pure saturated red and pink! So,
Red: courage, willpower, leadership, passion
Pink: love, friendship, sincerity, compassion
Magenta: free-spirited, fun-loving, artistic, individualistic
Which is so cool. Her energy field looks super strong, and she even mentioned she’s been feeling really great lately all around. Well, we can see it! And Ellie is totally grounded while also fun, sincere, compassionate, free-spirited, artistic—all of the above!
It’s cool to see how different our auras are. BTW, you can also do an aura photo with two people to see what the energy of your combined relationship is, which is pretty interesting. I’m curious to do that in the future!

Have you heard of Human Design? I became obsessed with it years ago (like, read a book about it on the couch all day obsessed), and it’s become a helpful tool for me! If you know me, you know I’m into astrology, but human design is on another level! And is more approachable to people who are like “ummm excuse me? you listen to the “stars"?”’
What is Human Design?
As this Allure article interviewing human design practitioner Erin Claire Jones describes:
Much like astrological birth charts, Human Design is a system based on your exact time, date, and place of birth. However, this information doesn't just map where the planets were in the sky when you were born like a birth chart. Human Design also identifies your dominant chakras to create your personal body graph. It's basically an energetic blueprint, as Jones calls it. "Human Design is essentially a mix of Kabbalah, I'Ching, Myers-Briggs, astrology, biochemistry, genetics, and the chakra system all in one," she continues.
I love human design because you can basically understand more about how you make decisions, use your energy best, and in a way, what you’re wired for. It’s been incredibly an incredible validating and useful tool for me!
Book a Session with Ellie!
I’m not going to go too in-depth on human design today, but I DID want to mention for you all that Ellie (aura seen above!) is a certified human design practitioner and is accepting bookings for human design chart readings. Ellie is super fun and approachable and cool (duh - she’s my friend), so if you’re interested in learning more about your human design, you can book a reading or learn more about her HERE! ✨
She also has a great Instagram and fun TikTok which are full of juicy info and some relatable laughs like this:
WEDNESDAY 11/15 (TONIGHT) at 9pm: DINGER Sketch Comedy at The Pack Theater
I’m in some hilarious sketches this week and would love for you to see them!
SATURDAY 11/18 at 10pm: CHARACTER SHOWCASE at The Pack Theater
Come see me do a brand new character set! And laugh at some other funny people too! Directed by our fabulous instructor, SNL alum John Milhiser.
Want to up your tennis game? 🎾 Jerik, my boyfriend, is now offering tennis lessons for people in the Los Angeles area! Lessons are $100 a session for a 1.5-2hr session. You can reach out to him at You can also learn more about his teaching style and book a session directly HERE.
That’s all for this week! If you’ve been enjoying, drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts. Auras? Human Design? “Live comedy?”
Reading your feedback means everything to me! So…
and have a great week!